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Harshaw Helping Hands Auxillary are volunteers who work toward making our community a better place to live.

Some of our many projects include:

  • Purchasing books for the children who attend the Northwoods Community Elementary School.
  • Hosting an Easter Egg hunt
  • Hosting Trunk or Treat Event at Halloween
  • Hosting a Christmas party with Santa Claus and gifts
  • Purchasing school supplies for teachers at Northwoods Community Elementary School
  • Making and selling popcorn at Northwoods Community Elementary School to benefit their PAC
  • Doing fall grounds clean up at Northwoods Community Elementary School
  • Providing a financial donation to fire victims in the township
  • Donating a college scholarship to a RHS graduating Senior
  • Purchasing Veteran Memorial Markers for the local Cemetery
  • Helping with the Annual Cassian Fire Dept Chicken BBQ Event
  • Providing financial assistance to local non-profit organizations

To Finance our activities we have a bake sale at the Chicken BBQ, sell the Annual Harshaw Birthday Calender and sell T-Shirts and Sweatshirts with the Harshaw Logo.

If you are interested in upcoming events or joining us. Please contact our Current President Kathy Day at (715) 282-7195. Interested in purchasing a Harshaw T-shirt? Contact Tammy at (715) 277-3662.

The Hugs and Hope Foundation for sick Children is a U.S.-based tax-exempt nonprofit charity serving seriously ill, injured, or handicapped children. The organization's web site features photographs and descriptions of these children and calls for visitors to send "happy mail" in the form of cards, letters, emails, or small gifts. The charity has an explicitly Christian orientation.

On the Hugs and Hope web site ( you can read stories and view photos of kids who need a little extra TLC to help them get through surgeries, hospitalizations, and endless medical tests.  Visitors to the site are asked to mail cheery cards and small gifts to each sick child and notes of encouragement to the parents. The web site will inspire you to help critically ill children and their families not just on Make a Difference Day, but every day.

Hugs and Hope Foundation
Marsha Jordan
(715) 282-7271

To establish and carry on a non-profit home for the physical handicapped and mentally handicapped persons and others; to provide helpful advice and guidance to these individuals; to promote sound and fundamental Christian ideas.

Mathew Konkel
10121 Brookside Drive
Hales Corners, WI 53130
(414) 550-6112
(414) 791-7966

The Union Grove Cemetery on Lakewood Road contains one of the most significant Veterans Memorials in the north woods area.  A committee was formed, and construction begun in 2002. Much of the masonry work was done by Lloyd Butzlaff of Harshaw.  Flags are flown daily representing all service branches, and  perpetual lighting  installed..

This Veteran's Memorial is funded primarily by private contributions from people like you.. To enable us to continue maintaining and expanding this Memorial, we are asking for a donation of $150. to install a Legacy Stone in the walkway to the monument.  The granite markers are inscribed with the names of persons whom you wish to recognize and honor.  You can  commemorate a veteran, non-veteran or organization,  If interested, please contact: any of  he following, or write to:

Union Grove Veteran's Memorial Committee, 8915 Church Road, Harshaw, WI 54529.
E-mail: [email protected], or [email protected].

 Current Committee members are:

Gail R. Winnie (715) 282-5362
Denny Thompson (715) 277-2070
Carolyn Fogg (715) 367-6125
Carole Jorgensen (715) 282-5581
Paul Sachase (715) 277-2070

Donations of $150. cover the engraving of  lettering you choose on a 12" x 12" x 2" thick granite Legacy Stone paver.

Veterans Ceremony-Union Grove Cemetery, Inc.

Every year on the last Saturday before Memorial Day a special ceremony is held at the Union Grove Cemetery on Lakewood Road in Harshaw, honoring those who served. This event attracts hundreds of spectators, rain or shine.  Usually, a free luncheon is served later at the Cassian Town Hall.  All are invited The Ceremony Board of Directors are:

Rick Smith President (715) 612-0332
John Pauke Vice President  
Maria Henning Secretary  
Craig Lau Treasurer  

For more information please visit
In 2023 the Ceremony will be held at 11:30 AM, on May 27th.

Senior Dining Group, at the Cassian Town Hall.

Nutritional meals are sponsored by Oneida County Department of Aging.

Our site manager is Jeanne Merwin (715) 277-4190.  Meals are served Tuesdays and Thursdays each week at 11:30 AM, except on Holidays.  Please call Jeanne to reserve or cancel your meal, at least one day in advance.

Meals are catered by Lynns Catering. A suggested donation of $3.45 per meal for an adult 60 years or older and a $10.00 if under 60 years old.

For more information, contact:
Oneida County Department of Aging
100 West Keenan St.
Rhinelander, WI 54501.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (800) 379-7499 or (715) 369-6170

This lake association was originally formed by Mary Ann Doyle in 2003.  Over the years, club members  have worked hard to improve the recreational activities on Birch Lake, in Harshaw.  Every year volunteers  have been actively  setting  out  traps to successfully reduce the numbers of invasive Rusty Crayfish in the lake.  This effort is ongoing.  Club members have also set out over 30 log fish cribs to enhance the fishing opportunities,   Weed re-growth has improved considerably.

The Friends of Birch Lake enjoy annual summer picnics, and business meetings.  There is also an enjoyable annual 4th of July boat parade.  New members are more than welcome. Please call one of the following.

Current Directors are:

Mike Black President Phone: (715) 358-3478
Cell: (715) 892-7228
Wynne Kayser Secretary Phone: (715) 277-2225
Cell: (715) 266-2125
Ted Rulseh Treasurer Phone: (715) 277-4094
Cell: (920) 242-8671
Ted's blog site:

Also contact The Friends of Birch Lake on Face Book, or obtain information at the Birch Lake Bar and Resort on Lakewood Rd.

Gail R. Winnie (715) 282-6281
Denny Thompson (715) 277-2070