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The Bearskin Creek, sometimes called the Musky Creek as it enters Big Bearskin Lake, drains the headwater lakes, of Muskie, Little Muskie, Seed, Birch, Big Bearskin, Little Bearskin, and numerous wet lands as it terminates into the Tomahawk River. These waters then drain into the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers on their way to the Gulf of Mexico.

This photo was taken near the Pinewood Country Club.

Bearskin Creek

Bearskin Trail summer photo.

Photo facing north, on the Bearskin Trail, of the long curved trestle , about 1/4 mile North of Harshaw, The original railroad trestle had replaced the original fill area of the railroad bed, where a locomotive was lost after derailing and sinking into the marsh.

Bearskin Trail




Fall photo of the North West Shore of Birch Lake. Birch Lake covers 180 Acres, including Indian Bay, along Lakewood Rd.

Cassian Sunset

Photo of salt storage facility, Cassian Town Shop on Church Road.

The Cassian Town Shop, located on Church Road, 1 mile east of the Cassian Town Hall.

If you plan to install a driveway off a town road, please call John Hendrickson 715 282 6935, and leave a message.

Cassian Town Hall Fire Station.

Please check under our Organizations site, for Veterans Memorial Ceremony to obtain details on this annual event at the Union Grove Cemetery.

Crabbing Boat

Seed Lake

Big Bearskin Lake

This beautiful Veterans Memorial was built by the Memorial Committee in 2003 at the Union Grove Cemetery on the west side of Lakewood Road, just north of the Rocky Run Road intersection..

Engraved Legacy Marker paver stones are available to commemorate Veteran or non- Veterans in the walkway to the memorial.

Please call Gail Winnie at 715-282-6281, or Denny Thompson at 715 277 2070 for more information.

A National Veterans Cemetery will be developed in 2016 or 17 across the road from this memorial. Please visit the VA burial benefits web site at for more information.

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

Pinewood Country Club

Pinewood Country Club

Pinewood Country Club

Sand Lake Beach

Sand Lake Beach



